Everything you need to know about zoglair

First time visitors should have a look at our Info Kiosk; a good place for introductory documents and various bits and pieces that will help them to get an idea of what zoglair has to offer.

Users who are about to download, install and setup this software, or need to know how to operate and make the best of an existing installation, should definitely consult the User Guide.

Finally, experienced zoglair users - with coding and/or designing skills - who wish to develop Addons (for either private or public usage) will need to study the Developer and Designer guides respectively.

  • Info Kiosk Info Kiosk
    A collection of documents (Tutorials, FAQs, Screencasts, etc) to help you familiarize yourself with various aspects of zoglair's personality. >>
  • User Guide User Guide
    Learn how to install, setup and use zoglair to power up your blog, forum, shop, magazine, or any kind of online presence you wish! >>
  • Developer Guide Developer Guide
    Make zoglair work the way you want or extend its functionality by creating addons (plugins, modules, components, extensions, etc). >>
  • Designer Guide Designer Guide
    Explore zoglair's flexible templating system, the markup and styling engine, and learn how to create new skins or modify existing ones. >>

A few selected topics that may interest newcomers:


Zoglair in Action

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