
This is the base class of zoglair database drivers. It defines all methods required for persistent I/O operations, as well as a few implementation specific stubs. Methods must conform to the ANSI92 standard.

It should be noted that there is no provision for raw (~arbitrary) sql statements. All CRUD and SELECT operations are made through related wrappers (~facades). For example, instead of using something like:

$ROW = $zDbms->sql("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=1");

... the following is used:

$ROW = $zDbms->select("user", 1);

A descendant of this class is instantiated as the globally available $zDbms object, based on the “plugin” setting in zoglair.cfg.php ($Z_DOM).

Parent Class
Public Methods (11)
__construct, build_mulid_where, delete, error, error_str, insert, qualify_name, qualify_pair, qualify_value, select, update
Protected Methods

void __construct(array $INFO)‎

Descendants should use their constructor to connect/select a database, plus define actual library calls under the “z_cmd” property key. Zoglair will pass all necessary information, as per zoglair.cfg.php settings.

Initial object properties (see zObject's constructor)

string build_mulid_where(mixed $mixed, string $col=zDataBase::Z_COL_NAME_ID)‎

Constructs a WHERE clause for SELECTing rows by multiple column values. The result is suitable for using as the value of the “where” key in $ARGS of select(). For example:

$s = $zDbms->build_mulid_where('1,3,5'); // $s = '`id` IN (1,3,5)'

• A CSV string or array with column values
• The column name to use (default: “id”)
A WHERE clause suitable for passing to select()

mixed delete(mixed $mixed, mixed $where)‎

Implements the corresponding SQL statement, for deleting rows from a table:



  • $zDbms->delete('table', $id);
  • $zDbms->delete('table', 'col=5');
• A table name or object (created via zoglair::load_table())
• A condition or just a row's ID
Affected rows or zDbmsBase::Z_ERROR

array error()‎

Returns error information about the last failed query. A query can fail either at the model level (zDataBase) or the DBMS level (zDbmsBase). Specifically, before a ROW gets inserted or updated, $zDbms asks the table to validate it. This is called “fixing”, and it is implemented through a call to fix_row(). If that method returns an error, this is saved under the “z_fix” key (see below) and the SQL statement is aborted. Otherwise, it is sent to the DBMS, which can itself respond with an error, too.

A MAP with the following keys:
  • errno => DBMS specific error number
  • error => DBMS specific error message
  • query => Failed query
  • z_fix => zDataBase::fix_row() error array

string error_str()‎

Returns a formatted DBMS error message, using the “errno” and “error” keys of the error() return value.

A formatted error message: “Error #%d: %s”

mixed insert(mixed $mixed, array $SOR, string $position='')‎

Implements the corresponding SQL statement, for inserting rows into a table:

INSERT INTO table (names) VALUES (values)


  • $zDbms->insert('table', $ROW);
  • $zDbms->insert('table', $ROW, 'after 12');
• A table name or object (created via zoglair::load_table())
• A SET or ROW to be inserted
• If the table is Sitemap, position of insert (pivot)
Last inserted row ID or zDbmsBase::Z_ERROR

string qualify_name(string $name)‎

[stub] Qualifies a column name, so that there is no clashing with keywords and/or an extended character set is accepted. This is implementation depended. For example, MySQL uses backticks for identifier qualification.

The column name to be qualified
The qualified name

See also qualify_value().

string qualify_pair(string $name, string $value, string $op='=')‎

Qualifies a “name op value” pair, using qualify_name() and qualify_value() accordingly.

• The column name to be qualified
• The column value to be qualified
• An optional operand
The qualified pair

string qualify_value(string $value)‎

[stub] Qualifies and escapes a column value, so that it can safely used in SQL statements. This is implementation depended.

The column value to be qualified
The qualified value

See also qualify_name().

mixed select(mixed $mixed, mixed $ARGS=NULL, boolean $ffo=FALSE, mixed $t2l=0)‎

Implements the corresponding SQL statement, for retrieving rows from one or more tables:

SELECT cols FROM table WHERE where GROUP BY group ORDER BY order LIMIT ...

Required clauses are passed in a map. The result of this function is usually a SET (vector of ROWs) but depending on $ARGS, it can be a single ROW or a count.


  • $SET = $zDbms->select('table');
  • $SET = $zDbms->select('table', array('where'=>'condition','limit'=>'12'));
  • $ROW = $zDbms->select('table', $id);
  • $cnt = $zDbms->select('table', zDbmsBase::Z_COUNT);
• A table name or object (created via zoglair::load_table())
• A numeric ID, zDbmsBase::Z_COUNT or MAP with the various clauses applicable to SELECT. Known and supported clauses are:
  • 'cols'  => a column list
  • 'from'  => FROM
  • 'where' => WHERE
  • 'group' => GROUP BY
  • 'havng' => HAVING
  • 'order' => ORDER BY
  • 'limit' => LIMIT
  • 'join'  => the join clause
• Fix for output? (see fix_set())
• A cache time-to-live value (see zCaheBase)
SET, ROW, count or zDbmsBase::Z_ERROR

See also Common MySQL Queries, A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins.

mixed update(mixed $mixed, array $ROW, mixed $where)‎

Implements the corresponding SQL statement, for updating rows in a table:

UPDATE table SET pairs WHERE where


  • $zDbms->update('table', $ROW, $id);
  • $zDbms->update('table', $ROW, 'col=5');
• A table name or object (created via zoglair::load_table())
• A ROW with column values to be updated
• A condition or just a row's ID
The query's result (driver specific)
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