
This is the table in which all user accounts are stored. It may be filled either manually or automatically through the user registration process. It is up to you and your site's nature to have or not that process enabled.

If enabled, users have their own control panel, called UCP, which they can access by clicking the relative icon in the user toolbar.

The user form contains the following fields:

[Main] User Form (Main)

  • Name
    A unique user name, conforming to the node naming rules. Additionally, a user name cannot be one of the following: webmaster, admin, administrator, editor, moderator, member, user, registered and guest. This is because a user name should not be confused with a user role.
  • Email
    A unique email address.
  • Security Level
    A security level (sevel), which will determine the account's access rights and permissions throughout your site.
  • Status
    A multi-select list with the following choices:
    • Owner
      Select if the user happens to be the site/domain owner.
    • Bounced
      Select if the user's email was bounced or is no longer valid. A bounced user cannot receive emails.
    • Banned
      Select if the user is banned from your site. A banned user cannot login.
  • Custom Title
    If left empty, the system generates a user title based either on the status or the sevel value (the status has precedence over the sevel). Otherwise, whatever is entered here is used as a user title.
  • Image
    An image ID used as avatar. This is user changeable, through a relevant option in UCP.
  • Acti Code
    An automatically generated hash (after a successful user registration), used as an account activation code. As long as this field has (any) value, the account is considered inactive and login is not allowed. If the account was created manually (by you), do not enter anything here. If a user has missed the activation email, contacted you (via your contact form) and you think is a legitimate user, you may activate the account manually, by just clearing this field.
  • Password
    A password hash used for authenticating user logins.
  • Registration IP
    This is automatically detected upon registration, and never changed afterwards.
  • Salt
    An automatically generated password salt.
  • Login Type
  • Login Params
    A user login can be authenticated in more than one way, depending either on the algorithm used for hashing passwords or the authority providing the authentication. For example, you may import accounts from another database, accept facebook logins, etc. These two fields hold the information required by the system to distinguish login types.

[Info] User Form (Info)

  • Location
    This is automatically filled with the users' country, geolocating their “Registration IP”. It can be changed, however, in UCP.
  • TZO
    This stands for Time Zone Offset. It is filled automatically by client code (javascript), with the number of minutes relative (~offset) to the server's time (set to UTC+0, by default).
  • Lang
  • Skin
    If your site offers language and/or skin selections, these fields keep the user's choices.
  • Real Name
  • Birthday
  • Gender
    Some private information which can be filled through a relevant option in UCP.
  • Options
    Not used.
  • Last Visit
  • Last Access
  • Last Rehash
    Housekeeping timestamps.
  • Expires
    Not used.
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