Info Kiosk

This is a collection of documents to help you familiarize yourself with various aspects of zoglair's personality. There is no particular reading order implied from their listing. They are autonomous, so, you can read them in any order.

  • Why you should choose zoglair
    Because it has a unique feature set which - among others - allows you to build a wide range of web sites and online applications from a single source.
  • Why zoglair may not be good for you
    Since there is no such thing as a perfect for all solution, we have compiled a list of zoglair properties that may not work for you or seem as …
  • Zoglair vs Others
    See how zoglair stands up against some of the most popular solutions available, in terms of typical software metrics.
  • How to set up a WAMP stack
    In this tutorial we will show you how to set up a working web environment, along with zoglair, on your personal computer (PC), from scratch! We will …

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