User Guide

This guide is about installing, setting up and using zoglair: an innovative and polymorphic content management system (CMS) and web application framework (WAF). You can use zoglair to power up a wide range of web sites such as blogs, forums, e-shops, e-magazines, and any kind of online presence you wish to have.

The information provided here is organized as following:

  1. Getting Started
    Terminology, System Requirements, Installation Procedure, Domain Setup, BSoD
  2. Frontend
    Basics, Styling, Content, Debugging
  3. ACP
    Database, Settings, Loops, Tools, Desktop Icons
  4. ZML
    Text, IDs, Phrases, Links, Media, Images
  5. Appendix
    .htaccess, Credits, License, Security Levels, zoglair.cfg.php

Everything is written in a logical sequence with progressive knowledge and is expected to be read in order. It is assumed, however, that you already have a suitable web server environment, and you know your way around it. If this is not your case, then you might be interested in starting with a WAMP setup, before continuing.

(C) Nick B. Cassos - All Rights Reserved
powered by zoglair
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