
An addon is any kind of change and/or extension of the default zoglair functionality. It can be anything, from a single phrase to a whole bunch of files!

Every zoglair domain contains at least two addons, created during setup:

  1. The first one, named “zoglair”, keeps track of the program's own data, files and any future upgrades to them.
  2. The second one, named “domain”, contains every change and/or addition you make to your domain that you want to keep private. In other words, each “domain” addon is tight to the particular domain and cannot be shared (~published).

You are free to create as many addons as you want and - optionally - publish them. You can find detailed information, about how to do that, in the Developer Guide.

The addon form contains the following fields:


New Addon Form

  • Name
    The addon's name (node).
  • Title
    A descriptive title.
  • Version
    The addon's version, in standard YY.MM.DD zoglair format.
  • Image
    An associated image ID.
  • Files
    A list of files (one per line), which belong to this addon.


The addon's instructions.

(C) Nick B. Cassos - All Rights Reserved
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