
A product is one of the native content types in zoglair. It is automatically categorized, listed and edited through the frontend. There is no need to enter ACP for everyday product management.

The product form contains the following fields:

Zoglair Product Form (Main)

  • Category
    The ID of a link row, used for categorizing this product.
  • Status
    Not used.
  • Title
    A descriptive title.
  • Image
    An associated image ID.
  • SKU
    The product's Stock Keeping Unit.
  • Price
    The product's price, as you want it appear in your product listings.
  • Width
  • Height
  • Depth
  • Weight
    The product's dimensions and weight (if applicable), measured in the most common unit among your products. Enter only the numeric parts. Units are taken from your locale settings.
  • Text
    The product's details.
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