
A UDF is a set of properties that define a table column and/or form field. Zoglair uses UDFs for its settings. Unless you are developing addons, there is no need to deal with this table.

The udf form contains the following fields:

UDF Form

  • Addon ID
    The ID of the Addon row, to which this udf belongs.
  • Table
    A table to which the udf is attached. The top item of the drop-down list is “settings”. That is not a real table as it does not exist in the database (neither in the codebase). It is a runtime synthesized (~virtual) one.
  • Group
    A group name to distinguish udfs of the same table.
  • Order
    A arbitrary integer for listing udfs in a certain order, since an alphabetical listing is not always desirable.
  • Form
  • Name
  • Type
  • Attr
  • Size
  • Regx
  • Meta
  • Null
    Standard column attributes, as described in the Developer Guide.
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