
This table keeps track of everything that is uploaded to your domain, such as the images shown on your pages. Uploaded files are in fact stored into the filesystem. It is the information (~metadata) about those files that are saved to this table.

Because of this characteristic, there are actually two forms used for maintaining uploads:

  • the native one (as used in every other table), and
  • a special one that implements the upload mechanism

To upload a new file, click on in the caption bar. To replace an existing one, select the relevant option from the grid's row popup menu.

The native form contains the following fields:

Upload Form

  • Album
    A name used for grouping similar entries. This is a lookup field and, as such, it is edited through the “Lookups” desktop icon in ACP.
  • Title
    A descriptive title. Pay special attention to this, because it is emitted as the image's alt attribute! Which means it will be used as:
    1. tooltip
    2. alternative text, and
    3. keywords (when indexed by search engines)
  • Category
    The ID of a Sitemap row, used for categorizing this entry. Unless you are using this table as a “Container”, you should leave it empty.
  • Tags
    A free form text field, used in various contexts (see below).
  • Name
  • Type
    The original name and extension of the uploaded file. After uploading, you are only allowed to change the name. This is for your own use, only - it won't appear anywhere.
  • Width
  • Height
    If the file is an image, these will be filled with its dimensions (in pixels).
  • Size
    The size (in bytes) of the file.
  • RGB
    If the file is an image, this will be filled with its dominant color (in hex). You can use this value in skin design and CSS rules in general.

The tags field

You are free to use this field for your own purposes, except from the following explicit cases:

When the image is used as a slider background:

zClipNodeList can optionally display nodes as a slideshow, with the fmt=slider query parameter. If the slider part is followed by an image id (ie fmt=slider12), then that image will be used as the slider's background. In such a case, tags is expected to have the following format:


where x,y are left,top coordinates and w,h are width,height respectively (all in pixels). The parameter img defines the node's image display frame, and the parameter div defines the node's text display frame.

When the image is used as a CSS sprite:

You can use an image as a sprite, with the following syntax:

{{imageId|:N}} (see Images format parameter)

In such a case, tags is expected to have the following format:

Sprite CxR WxX N1,N2,...,N

C ➩ the sprite's columns
R ➩ the sprite's rows
W ➩ the item's width
H ➩ the item's height
N ➩ a comma separated list of integers

Currently, the only place where zoglair implicitly uses sprites, is for the icons in a forum index (generated by zClipNodeCats).

When the image is used as an image map:

zUtilList accepts an img=N query parameter, where N is the image id which will be used as the generated list background. In such a case, the links are absolutely placed over the image, according to their x,y coordinates given in the “tags”:


Since menus use zUtilList for the actual markup, you can turn any menu to an image map!

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