Addon Install

Addon Install This loop allows you to install an addon, created (with Addon Build) either by you or anyone else. However, there are cases where some addons might not be installable by you. It depends on their contents in combination with your domain. Specifically:

  • If an addon is NOT based on external plugins or other files (in other words, it consists solely of database entries), then there will be no problem installing it.
  • But, if an addon contains even one external file, then you might not be able to install it. Since an external file needs to be copied to your zoglair installation folder (in order for the addon to be able to work), it is obvious that there are certain issues that need to be resolved. In short:
    1) If that file exists, it cannot belong to another addon, or to a newer version of the same addon.
    2) If that file does not exist, you must have write privileges or a valid FTP/SCP account.

In any case, the system will make all necessary checks and inform you about. In other words, you don't have to worry about it, because zoglair won't allow you to harm its installation.

This loop contains the following fields:

  • From The Internet
  • From Your PC
    The internet URL or local file name of the addon you want to install.

Additionally, if the user is a Super User, the following fields are also displayed:

  • Server
    If a file needs to be copied and zoglair directory is not writable, you will need the FTP/SCP URL of your server. For example:
  • Install in Domain
    Select the domain where the addon is to be installed, or leave it empty to install it on all domains. If you are installing a zoglair update (which is also an addon), then this choice is ignored, and “all” is implicitly used (since all domains share a common codebase). Similarly, if you are installing a domain addon, then that domain is implicitly used.
  • Username
  • Password
    If a file needs to be copied and zoglair directory is not writable, then these are the credentials to be used when connecting to the server specified above.
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