
This group of settings deal with forums and user activity in general.


Settings: Community-Main

  • Users Sitemap ID
    An empty (or zero) value here denotes that your site does not have community features. This means, that there are no registration and login/logout links, as well as user profiles, commenting and/or posting areas. This is perfectly fine for a wide range of personal or corporate sites. But, if you do have user oriented features (e-shop, blog commenting, ratings, forum, etc), then you must enter id of a sitemap node which uses the user table as its container. You should probably have such a node created for you automatically during domain creation.
  • Board Sitemap ID
    If you run a forum, then this is the place where you enter its index node id. Forum categories are entered just like any other type of categories (product, article, etc) in the Sitemap table. But they are displayed and operate in a completely different manner. That is why the program needs to know that a certain root category is actually a forum index.
  • IP View Sevel
    The minimum security level required for a user to be able to see other users IP address.
  • IP Resolve URL
    A URL which will be used for resolving IP addresses when a user clicks on them. Use %s to denote the place where a real IP address should be entered.
  • Warn Off Bump After
    The period (in days) after which a topic is considered old enough to have new posts. This helps to avoid bumps. When a user clicks on a topic's [Reply] button, the program checks to see if the last post in that topic is older than the value entered here. If it is, a warning will be displayed to the user, reminding him that the topic is old. He can choose to continue or not. Leave this value empty (or zero), to disable this function.
  • Lock Topics After
    The period (in days) after which a topic is considered old enough to be active. This helps to avoid necroposting, as it automatically locks old topics. Leave this value empty (or zero), to disable this function. If you do enter a value, it should be greater than the one in the previous setting.
  • Edit Post Timeout
    The period (in minutes) after which a user is no longer able to edit his post. Entering a high value here (more than a few minutes) is not recommended. The program does not allow replying to a post, neither editing it by a staff member, unless this timeout expires.
  • Virator User ID
    The user id of an account that will act as a virtual moderator and a generic site bot. It is highly recommended that you create an account with your domain's name as its username and enter that account's id here. There are many places and activities where it is used.
  • Sig Max Lines
  • Sig Max Length
  • Sig Max Height
  • Sig Allow Images
    Various constraints of user signatures.


Settings: Community-Bot

  • MLD Ignore Sevel
    MLD stands for “Multiple Login Detector” and refers to the detection of two or more users logging in from the same computer. This helps a site administrator to identify members with multiple accounts. If you want certain user groups to be excluded from this detection (eg: administrators), then specify their security level here.
  • MLD Ignore Users
    If there are users who must be excluded from MLD, but have a lesser sevel than the one specified in the previous setting, then you may enter their ids here. Use a comma to separate multiple entries.
  • MLD Post in Topic
    This is the topic id in which MLD will post when a detection takes place.
  • Report in Topic
    This is the topic id in which user reports are placed.
  • Delete in Topic
    This is the topic id in which deleted posts are placed.


Settings: Community-Feedback

This is a text box where you write an *.ini-like block of sections with options to be used by zoglair's unified feedback system.

The feedback format

A section begins with a key, enclosed in square brackets. The special asterisk “*” section defines default options, applicable to all subsequent sections unless overridden.

Keys are used as values for the name Feedback table column, so they must be compatible with its data type!

The following options apply:

  • name
    The key's display name, when a user hasn't yet given the particular feedback. If omitted, key will be used.
  • eman
    The key's display name, when a user has already given the particular feedback. If omitted, name will be used.
  • icon
    The key's display icon. If omitted, icon1000 will be used.
  • group
    The key's group. It is a required option thus it cannot be omitted. Of special interest is the post group, because it is used by zClipPostList for embedding feedback in topics.
  • value
    The key's value, to be stored in the Feedback table. An integer value is stored as is, no matter what. A non-integer value means that the particular key has more than one value applicable and the correct one will be provided at run-time.
  • sevel
    Not used.
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