Basic facts you should be familiar with

Most people prefer to start with Styling and then proceed with the Content, others do it in the opposite order. The former is recommended, because it's a common procedure followed during web site development:

« design first, content afterwards »

You can, of course, do them at the same time. It's your site after all! But, no matter your approach to this dilemma, you have to know your way around zoglair interface.

How to know if you are logged in or out

This really depends on your site's design (~skin). Zoglair does not enforce a certain interface. Usually, there are two ways to find out:

  • If your site allows user registrations, then it must have relative links in an apparent position (Register, Login / Sign in, Logout / Sign out). So, if you see Logout then obviously you are logged in, and vice versa.
  • If your site displays a user toolbar, then you will see most of its icons (see below), if you are logged in.

How to log in

If there is a Login link somewhere (usually on the top-right of the page), then obviously you use that. Otherwise, you can always log in by using the following url:

http://<host>/[<zoglair>/]login  [?]

If you just finished zoglair setup, you are automatically logged in as webmaster, using the credentials you entered in that screen. If someone else set up everything on your behalf, you have probably given some administrator credentials, which you have to use.

How to log out

If there is a Logout link somewhere (usually on the top-right of the page), then obviously you use that. Otherwise, you can always log out by using the following url:


How to enter ACP

The ACP (Administration Control Panel) is your site's backend, an environment that gives you access to administrative tasks. If your site displays a user toolbar, and you see this icon , you can click on that. Otherwise, you can use the following url:


You can change the above path ("/acp/") from inside ACP, and is generally a good idea to do so. You will learn how to do it, later in this guide.

User toolbar

Zoglair supports a dynamic toolbar, with icon-buttons that appear/disappear depending on user rights and active page context. This toolbar, however, is not enforced. You can choose to display it or not, as a whole, and you can add, remove or change its icons. You will learn how to do it, in the Menus chapter of this guide. For now, just have a look at the default icons and their functionality:

BackGuestSwitches (back and forth) between the previous and current pages. This is kind of a trademark: if you see it in a site, then that is probably powered by zoglair!
UCPRegisteredDisplays the User Control Panel, a page with tabbed information about the user and the user's activity, as well as links to the user's preferences and settings. This is not visible unless your site is set up as a Community.
ModerateModeratorDisplays a dialog that allows you to moderate forum topics or posts. This means, it is not visible unless there is a discussion board in your site, and at least one topic or post selected for moderation.
MediaEditorDisplays a grid with all uploaded images (or other files) in your domain. From there, you can upload new files, using the window button. It is worth mentioning that all uploads are saved in the file system and not the database. Zoglair uses a table to store information and other metadata for uploaded content. It is this table that is shown with the above button.
EditEditorDisplays a form that allows you to edit the page content you are currently viewing. The form is not always the same as it depends on what you are editing. It may be a static page, article, product, comment, etc... If you do not see this button, it means that what you are seeing is not stored in the database and thus you cannot edit it.
NewEditor/AdminAllows you to create new sibling content, so it depends on what you are viewing. It functions similarly to the button, but instead of editing it is adding.
DebugAdministratorDisplays the Debugging dialog.
ACPAdministratorLoads your site's backend interface, so that you can do some administrative tasks.
HelpEditorDisplays a customizable help page with dynamically generated content, about clips and styling. See an example of that page.
(C) Nick B. Cassos - All Rights Reserved
powered by zoglair
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