Blue Screen of Death

BSOD: var/domain not writable This screen is displayed whenever zoglair encounters a condition under which it cannot function. The causes vary but the result is similar: a blue screen with a white box in the middle, displaying the particular system error.

Please, do not confuse zoglair's blue screens with those generated by Windows.

Following are the possible error messages and how to deal with them:

%s either does not exist or is not writable
%s is the absolute path to the var/domain directory (view screenshot above), the place where user uploaded content is saved.
Solution: follow the Installation Procedure.
class %s is a singleton
%s is the name of a php class which is instantiated more than once. This is a pure application logic error that should not happen in released code.
Solution: report this as a bug.
could not connect to the database server at %s
%s is the value of the server variable in $Z_DOM settings. If zoglair cannot connect to the database server then it can do nothing else than abort.
Solution: make sure that server, username and password settings are correct.
could not select database %s
%s is the value of the database variable in $Z_DOM settings. If zoglair cannot use the database then it can do nothing else than abort.
Solution: make sure that the database setting is correct.
invalid argument passed to %s
%s is the name of a class/object method. Although this error has several sources, only one is user related and has to do with the value of the defaultTimezoneSet variable in $Z_INI settings. In all other cases, it is the result of an application logic error that should not happen in released code.
Solution: if you are certain that the above setting is correct then report this as a bug.
invalid dbms %s1 arguments for table %s2
%s1 is “insert”, “delete” or “column” and %s2 is the name of a (database) table. Application error that should not happen.
Solution: report this as an issue.
magic_quotes_gpc directive should be set to false
Generated when zoglair's configuration option supportMagicQuotes is set to FALSE and magic_quotes_gpc directive in php.ini is set to TRUE.
Solution: set both to the same value.
register_globals directive should be set to false
Generated when zoglair's configuration option supportAutoGlobals is set to FALSE and register_globals directive in php.ini is set to TRUE.
Solution: set both to the same value.
required plugin %s does not exist
%s is the name of a plugin prefixed with its group. It can be “dbms”, “auth”, “cahe” or “skin”. The first one (“dbms”) is set in $Z_DOM settings. The other ones are set in ACP settings menu dialogs.
Solution: fix the problematic setting according to which plugin is referred to the error message.
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