
This file is located at the core directory and holds the startup configuration parameters. There are a lot of other settings, controlling the program's behavior, saved in the database and accessed through the ACP. But in order to get there, zoglair has to connect to the database in the first place, and in order to do that it has to know a few things about the database itself!

The file's syntax is PHP, but you do not need to understand how it works, in order for you to enter your choices. You need, however, to be careful when inserting or replacing values because if you make an error zoglair will be unable to start! Just pay attention to the punctuation and confine yourself to replacing existing values or entering new ones in the space provided.

You will need a plain text (ASCII) or code editor to edit this file. Rich text editors are not suitable as they can mess with the file's syntax.


Global settings, affecting zoglair operation in its whole. These are loaded before any domain specific processing occurs:

  • logClientCacheHits => FALSE (not currently implemented)
    Change it to TRUE if you want cache hits to be logged - leave it as it is if you don't. A cache hit happens when the server sends a “304 Not Modified” response to an “If-Modified-Since” request. Logging cache hits allows you to debug and analyze zoglair's client-side cache mechanism, in exchange for a small performance penalty. This setting, along with the following one, is only used if zoglair is setup so that it serves your static content, instead of having the web server do that. Please, read .htaccess for details.
  • clientCacheAge     => 12*30*24*60*60 (~1 year)
    Set it to the required client cache age, in seconds (either as a straight integer number or as a math expression). The value you enter here will be used by browsers to decide whether a resource is “fresh” or not. If it is fresh, then it will not be requested from your server. Instead, it will be fetched from their cache. This setting, along with the previous one, is only used if zoglair is setup so that it serves your static content, instead of having the web server do that. Please, read .htaccess for details.
  • defaultTimezoneSet => 'UTC'
    Leave it as it is.
  • supportAutoGlobals => FALSE
    Leave it as it is, unless you have a BSoD stating that “register_globals directive should be set to false!”. In that case, you should either change the directive on your php.ini or set this setting to TRUE (NOT recommended).
  • supportMagicQuotes => FALSE
    Leave it as it is, unless you have a BSoD stating that “magic_quotes_gpc directive should be set to false!”. In that case, you should either change the directive on your php.ini or set this setting to TRUE (NOT recommended).
  • multiDomainSupport => 'auto'
    Set it to one of the following values, depending on the desired functionality:
    • none → multi-domain support is disabled
    • host → web domains supported
    • hard → web subdomains supported (e.g.: subdomain.example.com)
    • soft → virtual subdomains supported (e.g.: www.example.com/~subdomain/)
    • auto → multi-domain support is switched automatically between “soft” and “host”, depending on whether zoglair is running under localhost or not, respectively.
  • disableHooks       => FALSE
    Leave it as it is, unless you have blocked yourself out, due to a malfunctioning Hook.
  • disableSystemCheck => FALSE
    Set it to TRUE, if you want to save a few CPU cycles the program spends in checking its environment, every time it runs.


Domain specific settings (one array per domain):

  • plugin      => 'mySql'
    Set it to the required database driver. This is actually a plugin under the dbms directory, so it must be typed exactly as it is saved. Unless you have downloaded another driver or written your own, you should leave it as it is.
  • server      => 'localhost:3306'
    Set it to the database server's name and its TCP/IP listening port. The default setting is only good for MySQL. Other servers will certainly require a different setting here.
  • username    => 'root'
    The username for connecting to the above database server.
  • password    => ''
    The password...
  • database    => 'zoglair'
    The name of the database you created during Installation Procedure.
  • prefix      => 'z_'
    A string that will be used for prefixing all zoglair domain specific tables. This is essential if you are going to share the database with another application or put more domains in it.
  • dome        => ''
    The directory name where domain specific data will be saved. If empty, the key of the array will be used.
  • isClosed    => 0
    If set to greater than 0 (zero), every request made from a user having a smaller security level, is changed to “e503”, which effectively shuts down the domain for that user. A custom skin can be selected, using the following setting.
  • isClosedCfg => array('skin'=>'')
    This is an array of various options and settings you can pass to the skin used when the domain is closed.
(C) Nick B. Cassos - All Rights Reserved
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